Why are my emails going to the junk folder or not getting delivered?
There are many different reasons your email could be getting filtered by the recipients internet provider.
Although responsemagic.com handles many of the best practices for you there are some rules you need to follow to make sure your emails don't get filtered based on "content filtering".
Content filtering is a process that checks the content of an email to try to determine if it might be spam.
In this article we are going to give you some steps you can take to avoid such a problem.
Is a link or the domain name you are sending in your emails listed on the SpamHaus Domain Block List (DBL)?
This is a very common occurrence for any site that is being used for marketing, it is very simple for an recipient to complain about a domain inside of an email and as result the domain will be listed on the SpamHaus DBL. This happens to a lot of hosted customers, even ones who do not do outbound marketing.
There is a very simple fix for this which has to be done by the owner of the website.
If you are not the owner of the domain name causing your email to get filtered..
1. contact the owner of that domain with a link to this article.
2. post the content you are linking to on a different domain name so that you can send your message without being dependant on another parties domain.
To check if your domain name or domain names are listed with SpamHaus please visit this link and enter your domain to check.
If you are not listed your domain name will show up as Green
If you are listed you will show up as Red
If you are listed you must go to
And enter your domain name and an email address associated with this domain for example admin@yourdomain.com or postmaster@yourdomain.com.
Once you have submitted the form, you will receive an email to verify you are the owner of the domain follow the instructions in the email and you will be removed from the blocklist fairly quickly.
If you are unable to be removed from the blocklist please contact support@platinumsynergy.com issue and our team will help you get this resolved.
Use the responsemagic spam score feature to make sure you score a zero before pushing send.
Don't use IP address for links.
Its very un-likely that you would do this but it has to be said just in case. ( this is a common spammer practice)
Never Use Deceptive Email Subject Lines
Its tempting to try to use trickery to get people to open your emails and read your content, but this could be doing more damage than good.
Email delivery is now based on engagement with your emails, so if users lose trust in your subject lines your engagement will drop or worse complain about your email giving you a bad reputation as a sender.
Don't use words that might be considered spammy
Here is a great list of words that might trigger spam filters
Don't use any images
Not only were images used by spammers to get past email filters but images have to be on a domain name. There is a chance that that domain name could end up blocked on spamhaus or on a domain block list in the future and that could cause your entire email to become less deliverable.
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